Rules & Expectations
Read the Book - or as much of the book as possible. There will be spoilers in our conversations.
Feel free to bring any questions, or quotes you would like to share with the group.
Speak up - We want to hear your thoughts, they matter and we love hearing them.
Respect everyone - All views, beliefs, values, and people are welcome.
It is okay to disagree - but stay respectful.
Research the monthly books if needed - but don't share spoilers before the meeting.
Be kind to everyone. You will be removed if you cause problems.
All meetings will start on time. If you will be late please let us know.
Don't interrupt or cut people off while they are sharing.
No side conversations while people are talking.
We will avoid overtly political or religious books and anything that is a 'hot topic'. This book club is meant to be light, and fun. Those topics may come up in books or discussions, but divisive books or authors will be avoided as much as possible.
We will avoid overtly political or religious books and anything that is a 'hot topic'. This book club is meant to be light, and fun. Those topics may come up in books or discussions, but divisive books or authors will be avoided as much as possible.